elitmus syllabus | Exam Pattern | eLitmus pH Test Preparation Tips

eLitmus Syllabus – eLitmus PH Test is one of the popular exams among freshers who are seeking jobs in the field of IT industry. In this post, you will find the eLitmus Exam Pattern, syllabus, exam fee, registration process, and exam dates. It is very important to get a good percentile to get interview calls from big multinational companies. And nowadays many MNC’s are associated with eLitmus and hiring through eLitmus as well as AMCAT Test. So appear for both the exams which will increase your chances of employment. Before you take the exam, know the syllabus well and practice well. So that you can get a good percentile.

pH Test or Hiring Potential Test is an assessment exam conducted by eLitmus. Companies use pH Tests as a criterion for hiring employees. The test consists of three parts- the Quantitative section, the Verbal section, and the Reasoning section. Results are declared in two formats: percentile score and total score. Companies call test-takers for an interview on the basis of pH score and their own criteria.

elitmus syllabus  Exam Pattern  eLitmus pH Test Preparation Tips
elitmus syllabus Exam Pattern eLitmus pH Test Preparation Tips
  • Number System
  • Geometry
  • Probability
  • Algebra
  • Permutation and Combination
  • Ratio and Proportions
  • Speed
  • Time and Distance
  • Time and Work
  • AP GP and HP( Newly Introduced in elitmus syllabus 2020)
  1. Max Score – 200 Marks
  2. Number of Questions – 20 Questions
  3. Time for Sections – no sectional timing

(Solve 5-8 questions for good percentile)

eLitmus Syllabus & Exam Pattern 2020

Individuals before going to start eLitmus exam preparation must know about the eLitmus Exam Pattern 2020. The eLitmus Exam Pattern plays an equally important role as a syllabus. By checking the eLitmus Exam Pattern, candidates can know the structure of the examination. The eLitmus Test Pattern 2020 includes the name of the subjects, number of marks, number of questions, time duration, negative marking, and other details. For this reason, download eLitmus Syllabus 2020 & Exam Pattern here. Additionally, you can also download eLitmus Admit Cards on this page 10 days before the examination.

eLitmus Syllabus for 2020 Questions Marks for Section Percentile Range Negative Marking
Problem Solving and Reasoning 20 Questions 200 Marks 35 – 90 marks = 75 – 95 percentile Yes
Quantitative Aptitude 20 Questions 200 Marks 50 – 80 marks = 75 – 95 percentile Yes
Verbal 20 Questions 200 Marks 95 – 160 marks = 65 – 90 percentile Yes
Total 60 Questions 600 Marks 150 – 240 marks 75 – 90 percentile Yes

Now you can read this exam pattern very carefully for eLitmus Latest Syllabus. The exam conducting team of eLitmus have negative marking rule of 10 marks for each question of earlier. This negative marks rule also exists in 2018. But, this 10 negative marking rule for each question is not there anymore. From different sources we get a information that is negative marking will not be there in the future.

Negative Marking Rule: Present Negative marking starts after 25% of the attempted questions turn out to be wrong answers. For example, If you have attempted 100 questions in a section then the total number of wrong answers you are allowed for is 25. If you get less than 25 questions wrong, then there will be no negative marking for you. If you get 30 wrong, then 5 of them will get a negative mark of 50% each. Each section in the exam paper is treated separately for negative marking.

What is eLitmus pH Test?

Published on 06 Mar 2020

Lakhs and Lakhs of candidates graduate every year. Even though most of the colleges offer on-campus placements, not everyone gets placed in them. So, what happens to those unplaced students? These unplaced students go for off-campus drives in hopes of getting placed.

But, nowadays, most of the companies, rather than conducting their own drives, hire graduates and freshers through processes like eLitmus pH test, AMCAT, CoCubes, etc. In these, eLitmus plays a major role in the hiring of freshers. So, what is eLitmus pH test? This article will discuss all the details about the eLitmus pH test.

About eLitmus

eLitmus Evaluation Private Limited is an Indian recruitment organization founded by ex-Infosys employees. It helps the companies in hiring freshers to their entry-level jobs through its effective and unique test called eLitmus pH test. This test is used by most of the companies including some fortune 500 companies like Dell, General Electric, etc. to

recruit graduates.

What is eLitmus pH Test?

eLitmus pH test or Hiring Potential Test is an assessment test conducted by eLitmus to evaluate candidates’ suitability for recruitment. The companies use this test’s results in their hiring process. They call the candidates for the interview based on this result. This test is conducted across 37 Indian cities every few weeks.

As opposed to the other tests, eLitmus is unique because it tests the candidates’ knowledge of fundamentals rather than their by-hearting skills or their knowledge of the tricks to easily solve the problem.

What is eLitmus pH Test Pattern?

The eLitmus pH test pattern, unlike tests like AMCAT, doesn’t test the candidates’ core knowledge. All the questions asked are to test the candidates’ familiarity with high school level mathematics and their proficiency in English. The questions are of varying difficulty level and the candidates’ final score will reflect the number of questions answered along with their difficulty levels.

The eLitmus pH test is strictly a pen and paper mode test. It is an aptitude test consisting of multiple choice questions in 3 sections as:

  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • Verbal Ability
  • Analytical Reasoning

Each section has 20 questions for 200 marks. Hence, each question carries 10 marks each. The total marks allotted for 60 questions are 600. The candidate has to solve these 60 questions in the time duration of 2 hours. The unique feature of this test is that all the required formulas are given in the question paper.

The eLitmus pH exam pattern is given below:

elitmus syllabus

eLitmus pH Test Preparation Tips

Only 10% of the questions asked in this test are easy to solve. Hence, understanding of fundamentals is necessary. Using CAT level materials for preparation is recommended. Along with this, regular practice is necessary to crack the test.

These are the important things to know about the eLitmus Test. Hence, it is important to remember each and every point to strategically prepare for the test.

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