LIC Assistant Syllabus | Exam Pattern Download PDF

LIC Assistant Syllabus : Life Insurance Corporation of India conducts the LIC Assistant Recruitment 2020 exam for the Assistant Engineer, Assistant Administrative Officer post. Candidate has to give prelims and main examination. The exam pattern and syllabus for both the examination are different. To qualify the LIC Assistant Recruitment 2020 exam, candidates need to understand the exam pattern and the type of questions asked. Candidates can see the detailed syllabus for LIC Assistant Syllabus 2020 from this page.

The syllabus for the main exam is broader than the syllabus of the preliminary exam. The marks of the candidates in the main exam only are considered for preparing the final merit list for the selection of candidates. Here we are providing the general syllabus for the LIC Recruitment 2020 exam.

LIC Assistant Syllabus  Exam Pattern Download PDF
LIC Assistant Syllabus Exam Pattern Download PDF

LIC Assistant Syllabus For General/Financial Awareness

  1. Basic Computer
  2. Basic GK
  3. Botany
  4. Chemistry
  5. Current affairs related to national and international issues of the last 6 months
  6. Environment
  7. Indian Parliament
  8. Famous Books & Authors
  9. Famous Days & Dates
  10. Geography
  11. History of the Indian banking system
  12. Indian History
  13. Indian Politics
  14. Inventions in the World
  15. Overview of the Indian Financial System
  16. Physics
  17. Recent credit and monetary policies
  18. Sports
  19. Zoology
  20. Indian Culture
  21. Indian Economy

LIC Assistant Syllabus For General English

  1. Active and Passive Voice
  2. Antonyms
  3. Data Interpretation
  4. Direct and Indirect speech
  5. Error Correction (Phrase in Bold)
  6. Error Correction (Underlined Part)
  7. Fill in the blanks
  8. Homonyms
  9. Idioms and Phrases
  10. Joining Sentences
  11. Para Completion
  12. Passage Completion
  13.  Prepositions
  14. Sentence Arrangement
  15. Sentence Improvement
  16. Spelling Test
  17. Spotting Errors
  18. Substitution
  19. Synonyms
  20. Theme Detection
  21. Topic rearrangement of passage
  22. Transformation
  23. Word Formation
  24. Sentence Arrangement
  25. Sentence Completion

LIC Assistant Syllabus For Quantitative Aptitude

  1. Areas
  2. Averages
  3. Averages
  4. Bar & Graphs
  5. Boats and Streams
  6. Boats and Streams
  7. Compound Interest
  8. Compound Interest
  9. Computation of Whole Numbers
  10. Decimals and Fractions
  11. Discount
  12. Indices and Surds
  13. Interest
  14. Line charts, Tables
  15. Mensuration
  16. Mixture and allegation Stocks and shares
  17. Mixture and Allegations
  18. Mixtures and Allegations
  19. Numbers and Ages
  20. Numbers and Ages.
  21. Odd Man Out
  22. Odd Man Out
  23. Partnership
  24. Partnership Business
  25. Percentages
  26. Percentages
  27. Permutations and Combinations
  28. Pipes and Cisterns
  29.  Probability
  30. L.C.M and H.C.F
  31. Problems on Numbers
  32. Problems on Trains
  33. Profit and Loss
  34. Quadratic Equations
  35. Races and Games
  36. Races and Games
  37. Ratio and Proportion
  38. Relationships between Numbers
  39. Simple Equations
  40. Simple Interest
  41. Simplification and Approximation
  42. Square Roots
  43. Time and Distance
  44. Time and Work Partnership
  45. Volume and Surface Area
  46. Volumes

LIC Assistant Syllabus For Reasoning Ability

  1. Analogies
  2. Analytical Reasoning
  3. Artificial Language
  4. Cause and Effect
  5.  Data Interpretation
  6. Data Sufficiency
  7. Essential Part
  8. Letter and Symbol Series
  9. Logical Deduction
  10. Logical Reasoning
  11. Making Judgments
  12. Matching Definitions
  13. Non-Verbal Reasoning
  14. Number Series
  15. Logical Problems
  16. Puzzles
  17. Statement and Argument
  18. Statement and Conclusion
  19. Theme Detection
  20. Verbal Classification
  21. Verbal Reasoning

LIC Assistant Syllabus For Computer Aptitude

  1. Introduction to Computers
  2. Number System & Simplification
  3. Logic Gates and Boolean Algebra
  4. Printers
  5. Working with Word Processing
  6. Spreadsheet
  7. Power point& Internet software
  8. Recent trends social media& cybersecurity
  9. Computer network & devices
  10. OSI layers
  11. TCP/IP& X protocols
  12. Cryptography &Network Security
  13. Encryption & Decryption Algorithms
  14. Authentication & Integrity Algorithms


The first stage of LIC Assistant  Exam will be Preliminary Exam or Prelims. LIC Assistant  Prelims will be conducted online and will consist of three sections/tests: Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability & English/Hindi Language. The sections of Reasoning & Numerical Ability will consist of 35 questions each and the test of English/Hindi language will consist of 30 questions. Total marks and total number of questions will be 100 respectively. There will be separate timing of 20 minutes each which makes up to a total of 60 minutes. All questions will carry 1 mark each.

S.No Sections No. of Questions Total Marks Duration
1. Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
2. Numerical Ability 35 35 20 minutes
3. English Language / Hindi Language 30 30 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes

The test of English/Hindi language will be qualifying in nature.


LIC Assistant  Mains will be the second stage of LIC Assistant  2020 Exam which will also be held in online mode. There will be four sections: Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, General/Financial Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, English/Hindi Language. There will be 200 questions for 200 marks. There will be separate sectional timings which will vary according to the sections. The number of questions in each section will be the same, i.e. 40. Candidates need to qualify in each section.

Refer to the table given below for more details:

LIC Assistant 2020 – Main Exam Pattern (East, South and South Central Divisions)

LIC Assistant 2020 Exam for East, South & South Central Divisions will consist of four sections: Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, General/Financial Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, General English. There will be 200 questions for 200 marks. There will be separate sectional timings which will vary according to the sections. The number of questions in each section will vary accordingly and so will the marks. Candidates need to qualify in each section.

  • There will be negative marking of 1/4th marks just as Prelims.
  • The available time duration will be 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • The minimum qualifying marks have been mentioned by LIC for all the sections that will vary accordingly.
S.No. Sections No. of Questions Total Marks Duration
1. Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 40 40 30 minutes
2. General/ Financial Awareness 40 40 30 minutes
3. Quantitative Aptitude 40 40 40 minutes
4. English Language 40 40 30 minutes
5. Hindi Language 40 40 30 minutes
Total 200 200 150 minute

LIC Assistant 2020 – Main Exam Pattern (North, West, Central, East Central, North Central Divisions)

LIC Assistant 2020 Exam for North, West, Central, East Central, North Central Divisions will consist of five sections: Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude, General/Financial Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, General English & Hindi Language. This exam will also consist of 200 questions with 200 marks. The number of questions and marks will be the same for all the sections and there will be sectional timings in all the sections.

  • There will be negative marking of 1/4th marks in the exam.
  • Total time available will be 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • The minimum qualifying marks have been mentioned by LIC for all the sections for these zones too.
Name of Tests No. of Questions Maximum Marks Medium of Exam Duration
General/Financial Awareness 40 40 English & Hindi 30 minutes
General English 40 40 English 30 minutes
Quantitative Aptitude 40 40 English & Hindi 30 minutes
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude 40 40 English & Hindi 30 minutes
Hindi Language 40 40 Hindi 30 Minutes
Total 200 200   2 Hours 30 Minutes

There will be negative marking of 0.25 marks just as Prelims.

LIC Assistant Syllabus 2020 PDF Download


LIC Assistant Salary Structure- In-Hand + Allowances

LIC Assistant Salary Structure has been described below. The basic pay and maximum in-hand salary are given. Basic pay of Rs. 14435/- per month in the scale of Rs. 14435-840(1)-15275-915(2)-17105-1030(5)-22255-1195(2)-24645-1455(3)-29010-1510(2)-32030-1610(5)-40080 and other admissible allowances as per rules.

  1. Initial Basic Pay – Rs 14435 with a yearly increment of Rs 840 for 1 year
  2. Rs 15275 and yearly increment of Rs 915 for the next two years
  3. Rs 17105 and yearly increment of Rs 1030 for the next five years
  4. Rs 22255 and yearly increment of Rs 1195 for the next 2 years
  5. Rs 24645 and yearly increment of Rs 1455 for the next three years
  6. Rs 29010 and yearly increment of Rs 1510 for the next two years
  7. Rs 32030 and yearly increment of Rs 1610 for the next five years
  8. Rs 40080(maximum Basic Pay)

That is the maximum salary of LIC Assistant earned without promotion is Rs. 40080

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