[Latest] RRB Railway Group D C Syllabus With Question and Answers:- . HELLO FRIENDS, आज मै आप लोगो की लिये Latest RRB Railway Group D C Syllabus जो की बहुत ही इम्पोर्टेंट है उसकी जानकारी share कर रहे है | दोस्तों जैसा आप सभी जानते है| Practice stes परीछा की लिये बहुत ही इम्पोर्टेंट सब्जेक्ट है और सभी परीछा मी Latest RRB Railway Group D C Syllabus यदि पता हो तो तैयारी और भी अच्छे से हो सकती है तो ध्यान से नीचे दिए गये pattern को follow करे|
[Latest] RRB Railway Group D C Syllabus

The RRC Group D selection will be based on 3 stages as follows:
- Computer Based Test (CBT)
- Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
- Document Verification(DV)
Computer Based Test
The CBT will be the first stage of selection that will be based on the following pattern:
General Science
General Awareness on Current Affairs
General Intelligence and Reasoning
कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बात Railway Group D और C के लिए
- There is negative marking for each incorrect answer.
- 1/3 of the marks allotted for each question shall be deducted for wrong answer.
- The Questions will be of objective type with multiple choices.
RRB Railway Group D C Syllabus detail में
- Simplification
Number Of Questions 7-10 Qs
Topics: BODMAS, Approx Value, Percentage, Fractions, Decimals and Surds and Indices - Data Interpretation
Number Of Questions 4-5 Qs
Topics: Tabular Graph, Pie Chart, Line Graph, Bar Graph. - Percentages
Number Of Questions: 2-3 Qs
Topics: Calculation-oriented basic percentage. - Algebra
Number Of Questions : 3-4 Qs
Topics: Identities, Linear Equation in 1 Variable, Linear Equation in 2 Variable, Quadratic Equation, Polynomials, Unit digit, Linear inequalities and Functions - Number System
Number Of Questions: 2-3 Qs
Topics: LCM and HCF, Divisibility and Remainder, Integers and Rational and Irrational numbers - Percentages
Number Of Questions: 2-3 Qs
Topics: Calculation-oriented basic percentage. - Averages
Number Of Questions: 1-2 Qs
Topics: Average Weight/Height/Age/Marks, Average Money Expenditure, Average Temperature etc. - Ratio and Proportion
Number Of Questions: 1-2 Qs
Topics: Simple Ratios, Compound Ratios, Direct or Indirect Proportion, Componendo or Dividendo, Fourth Proportional, Third Proportional, Age, Mean Proportional - Mixture Problems
Number Of Questions: 1-2 Qs
Topics: Problems on making a mixture of two or more entities/mixtures. - Speed Time and Distance
Number Of Questions: 2-3 Qs
Topics: Partial Speed, Relative Speed, Average Speed, Boat and River, Problem on Trains. - Interest
Number Of Questions: 1-2 Qs
Topics: Simple Interest, Compound Interest, Combined problems on SI & CI. - Mensuration
Number Of Questions: 2-3 Qs
Topics: Areas & volume of Square, Rectangle, Circle or Semi Circle, Triangle, Rhombus, Trapezium, Parallelogram, Cone, Cylinder, Cube, Cuboid, Sphere, Right Prism, Tetrahedron, Pyramid. - Time and Work
Number Of Questions: 1-2 Qs
Topics: Work Efficiency , Work and Wages, Pipes and Cistern - Profit and Loss
Number Of Questions: 2-3 Qs
Topics: Dishonest Dealings, Successive Selling, Partnership, Discount and Marked Price and Mixture Problems. - Number Series
Number Of Questions: 1-2 Qs
Topics: Problems on Completing the Series, Finding the Missing Term, Finding the Wrong Term. - Geometry
Number Of Questions: 1-2 Qs
Topics: Basic problems on Triangles, Congruence & Similarity. Theorems on Segments, Tangents & Chords. Basic Qs on different types of Quadrilaterals. and Co-ordinate Geometry - Trigonometry
Number Of Questions: 0-1 Qs
Topics: Identities, Functions, Heights and Distances, Max and Min value, Circular Measure of Angles. - Probability
Number Of Questions: 0-1 Qs
Topics: very basic problems on probability.
RRB Railway Group D C Syllabus General Awareness & Current Affairs
- History
Number Of question: 2-3 Qs
Topics: Indian Freedom Struggle, Ancient History, Medieval History, Post Independence History. - Polity
Number Of question: 3 Qs
Topics: Constitution of India, Government Portfolios etc. - Economics
Number Of question: 2-3 Qs
Topics: Indian Economy, Economic Organizations, World Economy, Business, Economic Theory. - Current Affairs
Number Of question: 5-6 Qs
Topics: Art and Culture, Awards and Honors, Business and Economy, Books and Authors, Committees and Recommendations. National Affairs, People in News, Places in News, Defense news, Days and Events, Government Policies and Schemes, Sports, Capitals and Currencies, Appointments and Resignations. - Geography
Number Of question: 5-9 Qs
Topics: Indian Geography (National Park & Centuries, Wildlife Centuries etc.) - Miscellaneous Topics
Number Of question: 6-8 Qs
Topics: Art and Culture, Awards and Honors, Places in News, Books and Authors, Committees and Recommendation, Sports, Environment, Banking Awareness, Science & Technology.
RRB Railway Group D C Syllabus PDF बहुत ही इम्पोर्टेंट है आपके आने एग्जाम मै चाहता हु आप इसे जरुर पढ़े और इस बुक को डाउनलोड करने के लिये नीचे देये गई डाउनलोड बटन पर क्लिक कर के आसानी से अपने फोन मई पढ़े
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ध्यान दे :– दोस्तों अगर आपको किसी भी प्रकार का सवाल है या eBook की आपको आवश्यकता है तो आप निचे comment कर सकते है. आपको किसी परीक्षा की जानकारी चाहिए या किसी भी प्रकार का हेल्प चाहिए तो आप comment कर सकते है. हमारा post अगर आपको पसंद आया हो तो अपने दोस्तों के साथ share करे और उनकी सहायता करे.
ध्यान दे :– नीचे दिए गए Facebook, Whatsapp बटन के माध्यम से आप इसे Share भी कर सकते है, यदि आपको इसी तरह की PDF रोज चाहिये तो आप नीचें दिए गये बेल आइकॉन पे click कर डेली PDF आसानी से प्राप्त कर सकते है |
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