SSC MTS Syllabus PDF Book Download | Exam Pattern Paper 1 & 2

SSC MTS Syllabus:-SSC MTS syllabus 2020 will be released by Staff Selection Commission (SSC) along with the release of the notification on June 2. The SSC MTS exam is conducted for two papers – paper-I (computer-based exam) and paper-II (descriptive test). SSC MTS syllabus for both the papers remain largely the same every year. Therefore, given below is complete last year’s SSC MTS syllabus for both paper-I and -II. However, before we proceed with elaborating on the syllabus, let us have a quick look at the SSC MTS exam pattern.

SSC MTS Syllabus PDF Book Download  Exam Pattern Paper 1 & 2
SSC MTS Syllabus PDF Book Download Exam Pattern Paper 1 & 2

SSC MTS Syllabus

Given below is the complete prescribed syllabus for paper-I and -II of SSC MTS exam.

SSC MTS Syllabus for Paper-I

As already indicated above, SSC MTS paper-I includes questions from four subjects – General English, General Intelligence & Reasoning, Numerical Aptitude and General Awareness. Check SSC MTS paper-I syllabus for each subject below:

SSC MTS Paper-I Syllabus for English Language

Questions asked in English Language section of the paper are simple and of a level, that an average Class 10 student is able to answer easily. Topics from which questions are asked in this section include:

Basics of English Language Vocabulary
Grammar Sentence structure
Synonyms Antonyms

SSC MTS Paper-I Syllabus for General Intelligence & Reasoning

Questions asked in General Intelligence & Reasoning section are non-verbal considering the functions attached to the post. Topics from which questions are asked in this section include:

Similarities and Differences Space Visualization
Problem Solving Analysis
Judgment Decision-Making
Visual Memory Discriminating Observation
Relationship Concepts Figure Classification
Arithmetical Number Series Non-Verbal Series
Abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation and other analytical functions

SSC MTS Paper-I Syllabus for Numerical Aptitude

Questions asked in Numerical Aptitude section are simple and of Class 10 level. Topics from which questions are asked in this section include:

Number Systems Computation of Whole Numbers
Decimals and Fractions and relationship between Numbers Fundamental Arithmetical Operations
Percentages Ratio and Proportion
Averages Interest
Profit and Loss Discount
Use of Tables and Graphs Mensuration
Time and Distance Ratio and Time
Time and Work

SSC MTS Paper-I Syllabus for General Awareness

Similar to English and Numerical Aptitude sections, questions asked in General Awareness are also of Class 10 level. The questions are designed to test a candidate’s general awareness of the environment around him and its application to society. Questions are also designed to test a candidate’s knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation and experience in their scientific aspects. The section will include questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries pertaining to the following:

Sports History
Culture Geography
Economic Scene General Polity including Indian Constitution, and Scientific Research etc.

SSC MTS Syllabus for Paper-II

SSC MTS paper-II is a descriptive test in which candidates have to write a short essay or letter. The test aims to test a candidate’s basic language skills commensurate with the educational qualification prescribed for the post. The test is set in English, Hindi and other prescribed regional languages.

SSC MTS Exam Pattern 2020

Staff Selection Commission determines the exam pattern of multi tasking staff examination.

SSC MTS Paper I Pattern

  • The paper comprises of objective type multiple choice questions.
  • Duration of the exam is 1.5 hours.
  • Following table shows the marks distribution of the paper:
Subjects No. of Questions Maximum Marks Total Duration for General candidates Total Duration for PWD candidates
General English 25 25 90 Minutes 120 Minutes
General Intelligence and Reasoning 25 25
Numerical Aptitude 25 25
General Awareness 25 25
Total 100 100

SSC MTS Paper II Pattern

  • Paper II is a descriptive paper and qualifying in nature. It tests elementary language skills of the candidates.
  • The paper consists of one question on short essay writing/letter writing in English or any language included in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution.
  • Paper II will be of 50 marks
Subject Maximum Marks Total Duration for General candidates Total Duration for PWD candidates
Short Essay/Letter in English or any language included in the 8th Schedule of the Constitution 50 30 minutes 40 minutes

Marking Scheme

  • Paper I consists of 100 questions; each question will carry 1 mark each.
  • Negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer.
  • Paper II is of qualifying nature and will only test candidates’ elementary skills. It will have a maximum mark of 50. Only those who qualify the paper I will be eligible to write Paper II.

SSC MTS Books 2020

Candidates can take guidance from the books listed below for the topics covered in the SSC MTS 2020 exam

Subject Books Name Author
English Plinth to Paramount Wren & Martin (for basics) Neetu Singh
P.C Wren
 Quantitative Aptitude  Kiran Magical book on quicker Maths (M. Tyra)  Kiran’s Publications
BSC Publishing Co. Pvt. Ltd.
 Reasoning Lucent Reasoning Arihant Lucent Publication
Arihant Publication
General Awareness Lucent’s Objective General Knowledge Lucent’s G.K paperback Lucent Publication
Dr.Binay Karna, Sanjeev Kumar and Manwendra Mukul

SSC MTS Exam Day Tips

Carry a printed copy of your SSC MTS Admit Card, two passport-sized recent colour photographs and a valid ID proof to SSC MTS 2020 exam centre.

  • The ID proofs which are approved by the conducting authority are Aadhar, driving license, university or college ID card, voter ID card or Pan card.
  • Candidates must remember that they are not allowed to carry the following items in the exam centre: Watches (timers, wristwatch, etc.), books, pens, paper chits, magazines, electronic items (such as mobile phones, Bluetooth devices, pen camera or buttonhole camera, scanner, calculator, pen drives, hard drives, CDs or other storage devices).
  • Pens, pencils and papers required for rough work would be provided by the centre in the exam hall.
  • A wall clock will be made available in the classroom so candidates need not worry about managing time.
  • Please note that if any candidate is found carrying any of these prohibited items inside the examination hall, the candidate will be barred from the SSC MTS examination for three years.
  • No family members, friends, guardians or associates will be allowed with candidate inside the examination centre.
  • Candidates will be frisked before they enter the classroom where the exam is scheduled. After they enter clear the security check to make sure they are not carrying any of the prohibited items, they will be asked to lead to their classrooms.
  • A separate frisking area will be arranged for female candidates. All candidates will be frisked by female personnel only. The process is compulsory for all candidates.
  • No candidate is allowed to leave the examination room before the completion of the exam.
  • If a candidate leaves the examination room without the permission of exam invigilator, he/she will not be allowed to enter the examination hall and will be debarred from this exam.
  • Please make sure that you sign the Attendance sheet when it is circulated in the examination hall.

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